Dr. Priti Shukla
How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

Before undergoing Liposuction, most of us have a concern about how to choose a clinic which is most cost effective? However, the quality of liposuction is more important than the cost. The experience of the surgeon is more important than finding the cheapest...

Breast Reduction In India: Cosmetic Tourism Guide

Breast Reduction In India: Cosmetic Tourism Guide

Breast Reduction: India promises the best cosmetic tourism for individuals looking for cosmetic procedures such as hair implants, scalp reductions, Rhinoplasty, face-lift, breast reduction, liposuction, chin lift, eyelid surgery, abdominoplasty, brow lifts, and...

Male Breast Reduction in Hyderabad

Male Breast Reduction in Hyderabad

Many men feel that their breasts look big. When they wear T-shirts, they look like women’s breasts, and that causes men to feel embarrassed, and others to tease them . This is called gynecomastia. Sometimes gynecomastia may go away by exercising, but if it fails and...

Breast Lift Surgery: Benefits, What To Expect Before And After

Breast Lift Surgery: Benefits, What To Expect Before And After

Breast Lift Surgery: Are you unhappy with the shape, size, and droop of your breasts? Looking for youthful breast contour? If yes, breast lift surgery is the best option for you. As a cosmetic procedure, it aims at improving the appearance of an individual's...

Top 15 FAQ’s About Liposuction Surgery In Hyderabad

Top 15 FAQ’s About Liposuction Surgery In Hyderabad

Liposuction is a beneficial cosmetic procedure to achieve your desired body counter. If you are aspiring such body counter, it is always wise to gain complete information on the process. Ambrosia Clinic offers the Best Liposuction Treatment in Hyderabad and provides...

Abdominoplasty Surgery: Treatment, Procedure And Results

Abdominoplasty Surgery: Treatment, Procedure And Results

Abdominoplasty Surgery: Exercise alone is just not giving you the taut tummy you desire? Do you have too much fat or excess skin in your stomach that doesn't reduce by diet or exercise? If so the solution to your problem is to consider an abdominoplasty at Ambrosia...

Breast Reduction In India

Breast Reduction In India

A few years ago, in the summer, Rachel ( name changed ) went on a vacation with her friends to Goa. All her friends were dressed for the beach vacation and slipped into a colorful floral off-shoulder dress - except Rachel. She never wears off-shoulder or spaghetti...

Breast Reduction Surgery: All You Want to Know

Breast Reduction Surgery: All You Want to Know

Shapeless breasts? Heavy Sagging breasts? Looking for solutions for uneven breast size? Breast reduction surgery helps improve your looks, confidence and your ability to participate in physical and social activity. Dr. Priti Shukla, the best plastic surgeon in...

Top 10 Benefits of Breast Augmentation

Top 10 Benefits of Breast Augmentation

The human body has a definite contour, be it a male or a female. Each of our body parts is designed to be symmetrical in size, shape, and length. We all wish to be perfect with perfect shape, color, weight etc...to be admired by all. One such body part which augments...

Breast Enlargement Without Surgery: Fact or Fiction

Breast Enlargement Without Surgery: Fact or Fiction

Breasts beautify the feminine figure. Breasts usually develop during puberty and thus symbolize the onset of womanhood and motherhood. Girls and women with a flat or nearly flat chest at times feel unattractive and less confident. But what options do they have to...

Surgical Strike On Your Fat: Liposuction

Surgical Strike On Your Fat: Liposuction

Trying to lose pockets of excess fat on the abdomen, flanks, thighs, and other areas of the body can be a frustrating process. Diet and exercise help to lose weight but are not enough to get rid of those ugly fat pockets and while you may not be overweight but you...

Platelet Rich Plasma – All You need to know

Platelet Rich Plasma – All You need to know

Platelet Rich Plasma, often referred to as “PRP’, means abundant platelets that are concentrated into a small volume of plasma. PPR has greater concentrations of growth factors compared to the while blood and is used in varied specialities like dermatology, plastic...

All You Need To Know About Melasma

All You Need To Know About Melasma

Melasma: On a regular day, do you know the number of people you see or just pass by? It is difficult to comprehend the number because there are so many. Each person you get a glimpse of, is different in some way or the other. Many times, if you are not able to...

Male Pattern Baldness – Everything You Need To Know?

Male Pattern Baldness – Everything You Need To Know?

Male Pattern Baldness: Women and men, their relationship with hair is sacred. When it comes to hair, age is the biggest factor. You all know that, with age, eventually there is loss of hair. Hair fall is a gradual process. Strands of hair on your pillow or a few...

Here’s Everything You Would Like To Know About Vitiligo?

Here’s Everything You Would Like To Know About Vitiligo?

Vitiligo treatment: The change in colour of your skin is based on various factors. You might see umpteen number of people on a everyday basis. All of them or most of them have a different skin colour or pigmentation. Some might match your skin colour as well where on...

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