Vaser High-Definition Liposculpture in Hyderabad

An advanced liposuction procedure, Vaser High-Definition Liposculpture precisely removes fat from specific areas of the body while retaining a thin layer of fat over the underlying muscles to give athletic definition to the body. The areas that can be sculpted using this procedure are mostly abdomen, flanks, male chest, legs and arms. In this procedure, the deep layer of fat is the target area for the main liposuction and body sculpting happens on the superficial fat layer. Ambrosia is one of very few plastic surgery clinics that offers Vaser Liposuction surgery in Hyderabad.

All liposuction procedures work on the same basic premise where fat deposits are broken down using a solution of anaesthesia and saline and removed from the body by suctioning out through cannulas. While water pressure and laser are two ways of breaking down the body fat, another revolutionary method uses ultrasonic pulses. Vaser high-definition liposuction falls in that last category. This procedure uses heat generated by the ultrasonic waves to break the fat cells while at the same time helping with minimal tightening of the skin in the treated area.

Vaser high-definition liposculpting disrupts the connection between the fatty tissues and the muscles beneath without causing any trauma to the underlying healthy tissue. This makes it an ideal treatment for highly specific body sculpting needs.

You may be considered an ideal candidate for Vaser High-Definition Liposuction if you:

  • Work out regularly in the gym (4-6 days a week)
  • Eat healthy and maintain an active lifestyle
  • Are very close to your goal weight
  • Are muscular but the abdominal muscles need more definition

How is Vaser Hi-def Liposculpture done at Ambrosia Clinic in Hyderabad?

As one of the rare clinics offering Vaser High-definition Liposculpture in Hyderabad, Ambrosia never wavers from the process of:


We always believe that the pre-procedure consultation is a critical part of any treatment. It not only allows for all questions and doubts to be addressed by the surgeon, but also allows for planning the way ahead. You may have expectations beyond the realms of reality, the consultation will help align them to what is the best for your body. Also all previous medical history is taken into account and costs etc may be discussed openly.


Once you have decided to undergo the Vaser High-definition Liposculpture in Hyderabad at Ambrosia, you will be evaluated for your fitness for anaesthesia and surgery by Dr Priti or if necessary by the anaesthesiologist. Your diagnostic test reports will be studied and you will be examined by taking measurements and clinical photographs for your medical record.
You will sign the consent forms and will be given detailed preoperative instructions in writing.


Before taking you inside the operation room, parts to be sculpted will be marked with you standing to shape them to the desired size.

After Surgery

After surgery, there will be gauze padding and compression garment on the operated part. You can drink water after 4 hours and have some snacks afterwards. You can walk and have normal dinner on the same evening.


You will need some assistance initially. Many people take up light work in a week’s time. By the end of one month usually, you are feeling quite normal and ready to resume all normal activities.

About the Vaser High-definition Liposculpting procedure at Ambrosia clinic in Hyderabad

During the procedure, you will most likely be put under general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia. The saline solution with a mix of anaesthetic, or the tumescent solution, is injected into the area to be treated. Small incisions are made in the area to insert the ultrasound probes under the skin to break down the fat deposits. Once the fatty tissues start to break down, the resultant fluid is vacuumed out using a cannula. Some of the tumescent fluid is retained in the body to numb the post-procedural pain. This is perfectly safe as the body will naturally absorb it in the days ahead.

Post procedure, you are expected to wear the foam compression garment for the next 3 weeks for the final healing of the treated area.

Recovery Timeline


Same Day

Self Care: Getting dressed, combing hair, eating
Activity: Walking and dinner
January 01, 2021
12:00 AM

Next day

Self Care: Preparing tea, heating food
January 01, 2021
12:00 AM

Upto 10 days

Complete rest and minimal activity
January 01, 2021
12:00 AM

3 weeks

Activity: Light activity
January 01, 2021
12:00 AM


Is Vaser High-definition liposculpting a permanent procedure?
This is a long lasting procedure depending on your lifestyle. If you can remain active and maintain a healthy lifestyle without gaining too much weight, the results will remain for very long. However, beyond that the definition will be lost.
Is post-procedure massage a necessity for this procedure?
We advise massage therapy post-procedure to help deal with swelling, induration, edema, and get rid of excess fluid. It also helps speed up the recovery process and enhance the overall appearance post the procedure.
Is Vaser high-definition liposculpting painful?
This is a deep-definition contouring procedure that is done to change the shape and definition of targeted areas of the body and comes with some degree of discomfort for the first few days after. You may feel sore in the treated areas alongwith numbness. These can be gradually dealt with the prescribed pain medication and the massage therapy.
How soon will I see the results of the procedure?
Immediate changes are noticeable post surgery despite the swelling that may remain for up to 3-4 weeks post op. The final outcome is not visible until 4-6 months after the procedure. Some areas will be more swollen while some areas may show small contour changes which finally subside over the next few months.
Is Vaser high-definition liposculpting only for men?
The procedure is gender-neutral and both men and women can expect good results from the procedure. However, given the differences in the physique for male and female bodies, the treatment needs to be more aggressive in some areas depending on the gender.
Why is the Vaser high-definition liposculpture procedure so expensive?
This is an expensive procedure because of the specialised state-of-the-art equipment needed as well as extensive specialised training that the surgeon needs. Also, the time involved is far more than the standard liposuction.

You can discuss vaser liposuction cost in hyderabad with the surgeon at Ambrosia Clinic during the initial consultation, whereby the areas to be targeted and the results expected can be taken into account to formulate a cost plan.

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