Embrace Bodytite in Hyderabad

Over the years, Plastic Surgery has seen great advances in new procedures and products to ensure optimal results. Body sculpting is a vast area of plastic surgery that covers multiple body areas as well as multi-dimensional procedures. One such groundbreaking skin tightening procedure of BodyTite. Ambrosia is one of very few plastic surgery clinics in Hyderabad that offers this treatment.

BodyTite is a skin tightening procedure that uses Radiofrequence-assisted Lipolysis (RFAL) technology to remove unwanted fat and tighten the skin in the treated area. When patients have unwanted pockets of fat on the body and sagging skin issues, BodyTite is what works best. The traditional fat removal procedures, such as liposuction, helps remove unwanted fat but does not do anything for the sagging skin left behind; for which the patient has to undergo further plastic surgery to tighten the treated areas. BodyTite is a composite procedure that removes the fat as well as tightens the skin; thereby giving you the sculpted results at one go. What is more important is that it is a minimally invasive procedure without harsh side effects, complications or long recovery time.

While, BodyTite may be effective for any part of the body, the most treated areas are:

  • Arms
  • Breasts
  • Chest
  • Back
  • Love handles
  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks

You can be considered an ideal candidate for the BodyTite procedure if you:

  • Have pockets of stubborn fat in your body
  • Are struggling with sagging skin.
  • Have tried all traditional weight loss methods to no avail.
  • Are in good physical health.
  • Understand what the procedure can do for you and have realistic expectations from it.
  • Do not have any earlier medical disorders that may hamper this treatment.
  • Are a non-smoker or have the will to stop smoking before undergoing this procedure.

A quick run through of what to expect during the procedure:


General or local

Duration of Surgery

2-4 hours

Hospital Stay

1 Day or less




Walking and dinner same day

How is BodyTite done at Ambrosia Clinic in Hyderabad?

As always, we follow our golden rule of:


During the consultation, you need to freely discuss with Dr Priti about the parts of your body treated during the BodyTite procedure. If you want many areas of the body to be treated, then she can help you select 2 to 3 most important areas that can be treated in one sitting and you can have the rest of the areas done in subsequent sittings. She will also help you realistically determine how much fat can be removed in one sitting.
You can see the representative clinical pictures of patients to satisfy yourself about the procedure and ask any questions regarding the results, and possible risks of the surgery.
You should come to the consultation prepared to discuss your medical history. This will include information about any medical conditions, drug allergies, medical treatments you have received, previous surgeries, and medications. It is important for you to provide complete information. You will be asked about your lifestyle and pattern of weight gain/loss.
Routine diagnostic tests to assess your fitness for surgery and anaesthesia will be ordered.


Once you have decided to undergo the BodyTite procedure in Hyderabad at Ambrosia, you will be evaluated for your fitness for anaesthesia and surgery by Dr Priti or if necessary by the anaesthesiologist. Your diagnostic test reports will be studied and you will be examined by taking measurements and clinical photographs for your medical record.
You will sign the consent forms and will be given detailed preoperative instructions in writing.


Before taking you inside the operation room, parts to be treated will be marked with you standing to shape them to the desired size. The operation is under general or local anaesthesia or a combination of two, and it is pain-free.

After Surgery

After surgery, there will be gauze padding and compression garment on the operated part. You can drink water after 4 hours and have some snacks afterwards if you have general anaesthesia and sooner in case of local anaesthesia. You walk and have normal dinner on the same evening.


You will need some assistance initially. Many people light work in a week’s time. By the end of one month usually, you are feeling quite normal and ready to resume all normal activities.

About the BodyTite procedure at Ambrosia clinic in Hyderabad

The procedure is conducted in our state-of-the-art surgical clinic under local anaesthesia. The procedure uses radiofrequency skin tightening technology; which liquefies and draws fatty tissues from the body while it simultaneously tightens and lifts the skin in the treated areas. This minimally invasive body sculpting method is known for its dramatic results as well as reduced recovery time.

The BodyTite device consists of two probes – one is slid under the skin via a small incision and the other remains over the skin. Tumescent fluid is injected into the area to be treated (lidocaine, local anaesthetic, saline and epinephrine to minimise bleeding). The device creates instantaneous high heat that is conducted into the area through the two probes to liquefy the fat. The RFAL energy acts on the dermis (top layer) of the skin. The probes are moved back and forth over the treatment areas. A separate cannula is inserted into the area to drain out the liquefied fat cells. The radiofrequency energy tightens the skin by coagulating and changing the collagen and elastic support matrix structure, stimulating collagen production which over time tightens the skin in the area. The procedure also coagulates the blood vessels thereby reducing bleeding, pain and overall recovery time. Post the procedure, you are advised to wear the compression garments for the prescribed duration.

Recovery Timeline


Same Day

Self Care: Getting dressed, combing hair, eating
Activity: Walking and dinner
January 01, 2021
12:00 AM

Next Day

Self Care: Preparing tea, heating food
January 01, 2021
12:00 AM

1 Week

Activity: Cooking, dusting, light household work
Work: Driving, desk job
January 01, 2021
12:00 AM


At what age can I consider getting liposuction surgery done?
You have to be at least 18 years old. Old age is no bar if the patient is fit for surgery.
When can I expect to see results after the BodyTite procedure?
Results are noticeable immediately after the procedure. However it continues to improve over the next nine months to up to a year.
What are the side effects I can anticipate for this procedure?
Since the BodyTite is a heating device, there may be some skin burn and accumulation of serum in the treated areas. These are however mostly negligible when you are in the care of an experienced surgeon who knows how to ensure proper settings and use the right technique.
Can stretch marks be removed with BodyTite ?
Stretch marks can definitely be dealt with by BodyTite, however to improve on the dimpling of the skin in the affected area, at Ambrosia clinic in Hyderabad we use additional techniques like MORPHEUS during the same session for optimal results.
Is BodyTite better than liposuction? How would I decide which treatment would suit me?
Liposuction is very effective in large areas of body fat accumulation, especially in patients with excellent skin tone where laxity is not a worry. Even in those patients, we advise BodyTite for treating the back, arms and even the abdomen. The main differences in the two procedures are – lower recovery time and use of local anaesthesia for BodyTite as against longer recovery, bruising and oral sedation is required for liposuction. The best way to come to a decision regarding the treatment to choose is under the advice of the plastic surgeon.
How long is the procedure?
The treatment time is usually dependent on the size of the area to be treated. On an average, each treatment area can take up to one and a half to two hours, but if multiple treatment areas are combined the process takes longer. What ultimately determines the treatment time is the patient’s body composition. This question can be better addressed during the pre-procedure consultation with your doctor.
How much does the BodyTite procedure cost in Hyderabad?
The cost of BodyTite in Hyderabad is more compared to traditional liposuction, considering the duration of treatment and area to be treated. The best way to estimate the cost of the treatment would be during the pre-procedure consultation where the doctor takes into account all concerned factors and helps you arrive at both a realistic expectation as well as the cost entailed.
Is the BodyTite procedure safe?
BodyTite is a FDA procedure which ensures a three-dimensional body contouring possibility by contraction of the skin, subdermal connective tissues and the deep subcutaneous fat tissues. The procedure has state-of-the-art safeguards that monitor external skin and internal tissue temperature to avoid harmful burns in the treatment areas. Local anaesthesia ensures a safe and comfortable procedure.

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