Chin Augmentation Surgery in Hyderabad

Your chin is usually a mark of confidence, we do say – Chin up! when we are trying to boost a person’s self-confidence. However, at times, the chin may need some enhancement or reduction to help reshape to ideal proportions. Chin surgery, can usually be done as minor office procedures where the lower jaw and chin area can be improved upon.

Shaped silicone implants are used to give a pronounced projection to the chin, while on the other hand a double chin or enlarged lower chin area is definitely not a pleasant sight and will need to be reduced to give the perfect look to the chin area.

You can be an ideal candidate for chin surgery if you:

  • Are 18 yrs or more
  • In good health
  • You have chin that is too small or weak
  • You have a double chin

How is Chin Surgery done at Ambrosia Clinic in Hyderabad?

Our golden 5 of procedural principle are:


Pre-procedure consultation is a critical part of any treatment. It not only allows for all questions and doubts to be addressed by Dr. Priti Shukla, one of the top plastic surgeons in Hyderabad, but also allows for planning the way ahead. You may have expectations beyond the realms of reality, the consultation will help align them to what is the best for your body. 

Also all previous medical history is taken into account and costs etc may be discussed openly


Once you have decided to undergo Chin Surgery in Hyderabad at Ambrosia, you will be evaluated for your fitness for anaesthesia and surgery (if the procedure you choose is surgical) by Dr Priti or if necessary by the anaesthesiologist. Your diagnostic test reports will be studied and you will be examined by taking measurements and clinical photographs for your medical record. 

You will sign the consent forms and will be given detailed preoperative instructions in writing.


Before taking you inside the operation room, the chin will be marked to shape the chin to the desired size.

After Surgery

You will be given specific instruction for post surgical recovery, including activities you may or may not do. Do adhere to them for a faster recovery.


You will need to restrain from stressing the chin area post the procedures to avoid increase in swelling or damaging the incisions. Follow the advice of the surgeon and report back in case of any changes.

About the Chin Surgery procedures at Ambrosia

At Ambrosia clinic in Hyderabad, we offer four types of procedures for the chin area beautification:

  • Chin augmentation using silicone implants
    A small incision is made either inside the mouth or underneath the skin of the chin, the silicone implant is placed directly on the bone and the incision closed with sutures.
  • Under chin fat reduction
    Liposuction can help remove fat from under the chin without any scars in a single session under local anaesthesia.
  • Chin enlargement with filler
    We offer painless, zero downtime filler injections to give you perfect chin without surgery.
  • Fat dissolving injections
    We offer these injections like Kybella to reduce under-chin fat.

What to expect from the procedure:


General / Local

Surgery Time

1 hour


Operation Theatre

Hospital Stay

Daycare surgery


Absorbable, hidden under the chin


Chin is swollen for 1-2 weeks. Back to work in one week. No rest needed

Recovery Timeline


2-3 Days

What to expect: The dressing will remain in place, there may be minor swelling and tenderness
Self care: Chewing will be prohibited, soft food is advised.
January 01, 2021
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1 Week

What to expect: Stretched, tight sensation will gradually diminish after 1 week.
Activities: No activity that may cause injury to the chin is allowed
January 01, 2021
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10 Days

Activities: You can step out in public.
January 01, 2021
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2-4 Weeks

Activities: Light exercise is permitted
Self care: extreme caution to avoid injury to the chin, avoid chewing on hard food.
You will feel a tight sensation still but will look normal.
January 01, 2021
12:00 AM

After 6 Weeks

What to expect: Most of the swelling will have subsided by now. You can begin to see the results of the procedure.
January 01, 2021
12:00 AM


Can Chin Implant Surgery go wrong?
There are very few risks involved in chin implant surgeries. However, as in any surgical procedure, there may be the rare instance of inflammation or swelling in the area surrounding the incision that may need additional treatment. Wrong positioning of the implant, extrusion or infection are extremely rare. There may be the occasional numbness after the procedure.
Are chin surgeries safe?
With continuous improvement in the techniques of the surgery, chin surgeries are the safest they have ever been. The implants are made of safe materials thereby reducing chances of infection.
Can chin surgeries be combined with other surgeries?

Yes, they can easily be combined with Rhinoplasty, Cheek augmentation, Fat injection, Facelift, Botox®, double chin neck liposuction procedures.

Is the under chin reduction procedure permanent?
Since fat once removed never regrows, unless there is significant weight gain the procedure can be deemed permanent.
Is Chin implant surgery a permanent procedure?
Chin implants can make a permanent change in how your face appears. Since the implants themselves last a long time, safe to say it is a permanent procedure.
Can my chin implant not look like a plastic surgery procedure?
Our skilled surgeons at Ambrosia are always monitoring the surgical process to help the implant look natural, as best as possible. With the right implant in skilled surgical hands, the procedure will enhance the shape of your face without looking over-the-top. Do remember that implant sizes are key to the success of your procedure.
If I do not like the result of my chin implant, can it be safely removed or resized?
Yes, the implant can be removed easily and replaced if needed.

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