Dr. Priti Shukla
Why Does Pigmentation Happen? And Different Types Of Pigmentation?

Why Does Pigmentation Happen? And Different Types Of Pigmentation?

Pigmentation: Your skin is among the first features people notice about you, and they really notice it. A tan here, a mole there and some spots here or even some allergy there. All of this is noticed by people in that few seconds they glance at you. So your skin is...

Skin Problems During Pregnancy – An Overview

Skin Problems During Pregnancy – An Overview

Motherhood is something most women look forward to. Having a child of your own is an innate sense of belonging for you as a mother. However pregnancy gives rise to immense number of changes in the body. Most of it is related to the hormonal changes the mother goes...

Vaginal Tightening: Myths and Facts

Vaginal Tightening: Myths and Facts

Vaginal Tightening: Is my vagina too loose ? This is a question that haunts many women, and they often have no way of being sure. It is usually her man who raises this and complains of being dissatisfied. Women can feel the lack of friction too. A lot of ignorance and...

Causes And Treatment For Acne

Causes And Treatment For Acne

Causes And Treatment For Acne: Acne is something all of us face at some point in our lives but when it happens, we tend to go into panic mode. Trying out different creams or even herbal treatments to get rid of the acne. But what if there were better and more...

Breast Talk: All You Want To Know About Ideal Breasts

Breast Talk: All You Want To Know About Ideal Breasts

Ideal Breast Size: Female breasts have been symbols of femininity, sacred symbols of motherhood, and mysterious objects of desire to mankind since time immemorial. And yet, they are not always a source of pride and satisfaction to women. Artists, designers, and movies...

Laser hair Removal: Putting A Full-Stop On Unwanted Hair!

Laser hair Removal: Putting A Full-Stop On Unwanted Hair!

There’s a new dress that you have bought. You want to try it out. But, the fact that you haven’t groomed your legs is preventing you from wearing it straight away. Then you think about visiting the beauty parlour and get your legs waxed, but the whole idea of pain...

Rosacea: The Reason Behind The Redness On Your Face

Rosacea: The Reason Behind The Redness On Your Face

Rosacea: Red cheeks might not always be a result of blushing from somebody’s flattering comments. Persistent redness on your face might hamper the way you look, often making you believe that the skin condition that you have is far from normal. Even though these red...

Your Dermatologist Is The Best Partner To Fight Acne With!

Your Dermatologist Is The Best Partner To Fight Acne With!

Dermatologist: Let’s take a trip down memory lane, to the times when there was no work pressure, when life revolved around friends and when you were a younger self. Ah, teenage is the time most of you would love to go back to, if you could erase one tiny detail -...

Laser Treatments: Here’s How They Make You Beautiful!

Laser Treatments: Here’s How They Make You Beautiful!

Laser Treatments: Are you unhappy with the skin you’re in? While some of you must be fretting over those fine lines that give away your age, some might be losing sleep over scars of bygone acne. Some of you might be unhappy with skin pigmentation, while some of you...

Do Man Boobs Grow Back After Gynecomastia Surgery? 

Do Man Boobs Grow Back After Gynecomastia Surgery? 

No man wants to grow boobs. In fact, having man boobs  not just impacts his masculinity, but also impairs his self confidence. Gynecomastia is the medical term for condition where a male develops breast.  And no, its nor rare. About 10-20 percent of young adults face...

Back Acne Scars – The Treatment

Back Acne Scars – The Treatment

Back Acne Scars: The moment you hear the word acne, the first, and perhaps the only part of your body that comes to our mind is the face. But then, much to your displeasure, your face isn't the only part where you can get acne. It can happen on your back too. Acne  is...

No, Cosmetic Surgery Didn’t Cause Sridevi’s Death!

No, Cosmetic Surgery Didn’t Cause Sridevi’s Death!

“Veteran Bollywood Actress Sridevi Passes Away.” Cosmetic Surgery: It was the end of a beautiful story. It was time for us to turn the pages. But, did we? “What was the real cause behind Sridevi’s death?” From mourning the loss of a legendary artist, the world quickly...

Types of Skin Disorders and Its Treatments

Types of Skin Disorders and Its Treatments

Skin Problems: Tanning from the sun, bruises from the tree branches full of apples, cuts from love, scratches from your younger sibling, claw marks from your favourite cat, bite marks from your neighbour’s dog and ultimately who plays victim while your mind is...

This Valentine’s Day, Fall In Love With Yourself!

This Valentine’s Day, Fall In Love With Yourself!

What’s the first thing that strikes you when February arrives? That’s it’s the month to celebrate love. This is the time when most of you put on your thinking caps and figure out: Who will your Valentine be? (Well, congratulations, if you already have an answer, and...

The Way to Get Rid Of Gynecomastia Caused by Steroids

The Way to Get Rid Of Gynecomastia Caused by Steroids

Gynecomastia: Are you a fitness freak? Does the perfect looking body inspire you to hit the gym and get yourself in shape? If you have answered yes to the above questions, then it’s clear that as a man, you take your body shape very seriously. Now, that’s a great...

 Can Fillers Really Get Rid of Under-Eye Bags

 Can Fillers Really Get Rid of Under-Eye Bags

Do people tell you that you look older than you actually are? Do you have people constantly asking you if you’ve got enough sleep? Has somebody told you that you look ill? Under-Eye Bags: If you have said a yes to one or more of these questions, then your self esteem...

Butt Acne: 10 Best Butt Acne Treatments for 2023

Butt Acne: 10 Best Butt Acne Treatments for 2023

Acne breakouts can be excruciating, difficult to manage, and have a negative influence on your quality of life. Acne, whether a small pimple or a large cyst, can make you feel concerned about your looks. Fixing an acne lesion or breakout can be a difficult procedure,...

Dark Circles? Here Are Some Of The Treatments

Dark Circles? Here Are Some Of The Treatments

Your lives are hectic, so naturally, you are most often tired. It’s seen on your face, in your eyes and in your speech and gestures too. But, let’s say you haven’t done much, it’s been a rather lazy day, and then you step out to meet friends, when one of them says,...

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